2008 Last Sunset in PD


Don't Give up

Typing speed

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Service 28 September 2008

SUNDAY SERVICE 28 September 2008

MEDITATING or .... Sleeping wakakak ..
Giana answering GOD's Calling lolz
Hello, Hellow, wei wei, Mushi mushi? Wu lang ti Yo? Wu~~~~~~~

Don't get me wrong, I'm not making fun of her by posting her sleepy photo but instead i really respect Doctor Sarah. She works days and night in Hospital on call more than 12 hours every day for weeks. Even Sunday also need to work. Those kind of lifestyle who can identify beside people like us who are literally going through it? i work from 8.30am to 9something for a period of time too. Really no life and tired, reach home makan then sleep. She some more can back up for service in worship and faithfully serve the Lord. Her passion encourages me a lot. Thank you Dr. Sarah.

Lord, i ask that you lead her into the green pasture and still water. Lead her to wait upon You Lord and You will renew her strength that she will run and will not weary and run but will not faint.
What a close brother ... really envy hehe
Pravin, my Sunday school kids hehe . cute leh