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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Prophetic Seminar

Wow! What else word that i can describe ?

After 19th May Worship central God spoke to me to rise up.

21st May. She sharing why should we evanglise.
because we need love. The speaker share bout ther homosexual experience and one point of time
God: why you wanted to go into Homo
she: because i need love and comfort that's why
God: why are you beating yourself when you need love and comfort? what you think you need after beating yourself?
She: more love and comfort?
God: yes, why not you come to Me and i will give you love and comfort.

When we seek love in sin we end up more and more guilty and need more love and comfort.

At the end of the meeting ministering time, one elder pray for me and confirm that i should rise up and take on my group. I know i sense in my heart to but been compromising all the while.
Is comfirmation and he went on praying for me. Then another guy come and ask me whether i need healing then i said stomach then he prayed.
then after that the speaker sense stomach pain and i know is me then ppl pray for me.

then next day morning my stomach get much better.
22nd May night. We practise how to prophesy. very amazing the way God spoke to us.
First task, imagine a animal and prophesy over the partner. My partner is a giant size fella but the picture come to me is a white bird like dove flying above forest. I thought what??? Then the guy said is very truth cause he actually army camp and he is a unique one ... the rest of the army all wearing other colour uniform just like the forest is green and the bird is white. the bird is always the focus and what the ppl look up to and its pure. I'm syok and excited.
But what this guy prophesy me is gorrila obviously i'm not the big size one but he continue to say i like the gorrila leader leading gorrila and like the silver back that is strong. that i will take lead of people. Amen to that. Second confirmation.

Second task, take picture of a car and colour, then i see the yellow lambogini and i pray for another guy and said is a powerful car and adventures and he said yes he is adventures but he is kind of burnt out cause of over talented. then he pray for me get a picture of a blue sport car a very big engine. then i will drive and lead alot of ppl, and i not been utilizing the big engine, if i dare to drive the big engine and i wil run for God. There is such great potential when i step out in faith to drive the big engine. 3rd confirmation.

Third task of the day. Prophesy over new partner for any picture comes in mind.
This time i get it quite fast as in i saw a dark force auro from sky surpressing down to ground but i notice there is white force aura pushing up for sometime then at the end the white aura manage to break through the dark aura. The guy response said is truth cause he facing a lot of problem in friendship and sometimes want to do it his own way. Then the word he giving me is he saw me as fisher of men. After i fish from a big pond then i put in a small pond to take care of them nicely. Again this is about take caring my fish. Discipling my ppl.

The whole seminar is the Lord's speaking. I looking forward tomorrow morning which is the practical prophetic evangelical event on shopping mall lolz.

Thank You Lord for so many confirmation. I know what to do d. :P