2008 Last Sunset in PD


Don't Give up

Typing speed

Thursday, March 20, 2008


WOW .. its crazy and yet is SO REAL wakaka .. few of the crazy guy follow Pastor Noah go Alam Damai do devotion in the morning 6am wakaka
With a Pastor Crazy for God .. leads a bunch of genuine guy crazy for God hehee .. As the shepherd leads the sheeps he lead us into devotion for 20 minutes where i curi snap few photo lolz then come back to share what we learn. Wow i being minister by the word of God quite clear lolz mayb because as bible mention as two or more gather together God is there hehe so nice
and everyone who read this blog please hold us accountable that tomorrow which is friday 6am we are going back to do like wise wakaka .. Syoknya .. Those who read this if stirring want to join pls come, transport

1) Thins that i learned is we cannot live based on opportunity. Must live our life based on Priority. Cause opportunity comes and goes we can't pursue everything else we end up like chicken without head (ugly) or i prefer bird without legs keep flying here and there till dead because of weary. lolz
And normally when we set our priority right and obey it, opportunity will comes of cause fundamental is not setting the priority but to OBEY and follow our priority as pastor shared. I find very truth cause my life is messed up by messy priority. That's why Albert is everywhere but not success in anywhere wakaka but i guess not too late to set priority right. And one things i neglect a lot is my family.. haiz like pastor lily shared to me yesterday, no point busy with God's ministry and left out family and they being condemn or frustrated. God wants our priority and surely family is one of it.

2)So after knowing the truth, now is application time ngek ngek most challenging mement come hehe. First of All, Intimacy of God is my first priority in my priority list wakaka. I used to thought Intimacy and ministry is different thing but i'm so wrong. As today message spoke to me, i cannot minister without intimacy with God, i like lamp without oil want to shine for Jesus in the darkness and it will not work. we can have intimacy without ministry but we can't minister without intimacy with God.

I'm glad my mentor Sister Chai Hong once said this to me, the most beautiful in relationship with God is .. when His will became my will, and my will became His will.. together we are One. Just like Jesus with heavenly Father. The oneness. That intimacy that bring two into one heart, one mind one spirit. It is so beautiful. Ever since i heard that from her (i knew is from God) that's became my heart desire. but i lack of practise hehe so now implement back ngek ngek ngek. How do we know God's will? IS through the intimacy with God, when we are so one, His desire is our desire, infact our desire is actually what He desire ... how can we not know His will then ? Of cause this takes journey to achieve but is a good aim and i think that's God's desire, His heart to have such intimacy with His children lolz ..

Erm another things is thank you pastor Noah who always there to disciple and teach us to observe and do according what Jesus commanded us to do hehe. One thing i regretted the most in youth is i didn't invest in relationship with pastor Noah.. Ouch.. I always feel the wall between us and i know is devil's lies. Cause the devil knows once our relationship strengthen then my life will have a person who will hold me accountable and check on me and nurture my walk with God. Is definitely a turning point in my walk with my Father. So application is ask pastor out for yam cha in this week hehe latest next week lolz. This journal will sounds very long winded cause is meant for journaling and not to impress people wakaka. But if by God grace any part of it stirred your heart and want to be part of discipleship hehe .. please do so or do like wise journaling your journey of faith in blog as testimony and witness of God wakaka.

Ok... is time to go to Sunway Lagoon wakakaka syok nya . enjoy my life before i enter working world and persecution ngek ngek ngek ..


tezuka said...

Wow!!! Morning devotion...a long time since I've had that...
Very Inspiring.
Suddenly check your blog...so many updates dy!! I miss YA!! Miss you all!!!
Hmm, entering the working world soon huh? :D Stay strong to your principles! And walk closely with God! Never compromise your beliefs...
All the best ya! God blesss!!! :P