In the midnight 2:40am ... listening to canon song playing in my blog. Half way rushing thesis, out of sudden just want to pause and just listen to the canon song .. burden gone.. lots of memory good and bad , happy and sad picture by picture like a slide show bit by bit flooding my mind.. so sentimental .. just don't feel like doing anything ... and let the wonder melody minister to me so good to stop a while in busy life and just listen music with heart ... so nice .. so peaceful .. the last time that i having such sentimental moment should be many years back ... in orchestra camp .. so much of sweet memory .. friends .. musics . all my klang freinds are just so friendly . . already 3:07am have to wake up at 6:30am but i just wanna remain this mood.. searching back the inner me that missing so long ... lost in busy life .. live life routinely ..used to life my life just to bless people but now caught in buziness slowly slowly bit by bit without noticing .. though character is building bit by bit overtime but .. my most previous heart seems lost some where . a heart that used to concern and care a lot .. a heart that's seek opportunity to bless people without string attach, a heart of patient and understanding ... i missed the time when i'm very introvet that i listen and understand people around me not even half of it since i talk more ... i listen less .. sensing less of friends emotions .. i wonder whether its worth ... i doubt i learned so much head knowledge but bit by bit fading from genuin heart to hardened heart .. loving became not that loving .. became offensive .. wow ... i must wake up .. must not polluted by any other thing in the world .... Lord pls resurrect my heart .. melt it Lord ... let my heart bless people around me .. and who lost their heart too ... and bless the nation that Your name mayb glorify ...
2008 Last Sunset in PD
Don't Give up
Typing speed
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thanks Joyeah for sharing such wonderful article from rage. enjoy..
They always say, ‘what does not kill us only makes us stronger’.
I humbly agree with the statement above because it is true that one can regain strength once more after a certain downfall because everyone has the capabilities of standing back up. It requires strong faith and belief that anything can be done or can happen because with the lackluster of self-esteem, getting up again after a fall is not going be easy.
Reminiscing the past, I realised that our human hearts can deliberately expand to contain the love that we have for people around us. It does not mean a heart can only love one person because it can give its portion of love to those surrounding us whom are dear. But sometimes, when you think about the love you had had for someone it can make you tear unknowingly.
My close friend told me that loving someone can never be wrong because it makes you a better person and teaches oneself how to love others and in return, their own selves. As they always say, love goes a long way and it goes around. Love is not just a feeling but a learning process which we learn and re-learn every time we encounter blistering mistakes. It teaches oneself how to be patient and never think that love is something bad or sinful.
There is always a higher purpose in life of what all of us have been through even though it may hurt in the beginning but the healing process will make us realise that there is a reason behind what has happened and to what extent are we supposed to comprehend the whole issue. It can tear one up to the lowest of low, but in the end it will only bring out the hero in that person; for gaining victor over the morbidity of the whole incident.
Love gives us strength; a kind of willpower that is hard to come by and it brings the best out of oneself. Though the pain inflicted by love can be excruciating, it will still help one to find the means of moving on with life and live with what had happened and learn from the mistakes.
Author: kyels
Posted by Allbelot at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
wow today is really can called as a meeting day lolz.
It started in the morning when i awake by my hp alarm at 9.00am then i search the ice breaker for 2pm youth united meeting. then 9.30am i went down to help my mom "pai" "nga ku" for my mom to fried cause else she have to pai for 5 to 6 hours and fry it for 5 to 6 hour means more than 12 hour ... where i can finish pai one BOX in 2 hour haha .. specialyst lolz. by my LRT meeting is at 12pm wow and after i prepare everything is like 9:45am. Wanted to makan the nasi lemak (my favourite breakfast lolz) that my mom bought then only find out the joker didn't give sampah .. so potong stim, how can it call nasi lemak when there is no sampah right!! so i give up and started to pai the nga ku lolz . speeding try my best .. as fast as possible lolz then finally thank God manage to finish by 11.30am
So at 11.30am i went to my pc there to finalize the ice breaker thingy and save in my thumb drive lolz .. then while going to church i carelessly ride into the middle of the road then one car came by wow thank God both the pajero and i stopped on time else i will be in pieces. reach church before 12pm then ... the church locked!!!but thank phebby for slumble take the church key and not letting me in then only i realise i left my pendrive at my pc OMG then rush back to home to take. so end up late when i went in church .. (i'm very hardly late to church one) lolz ..
Then the LRT meeting end around 15 minutes before next youth united meeting lolz. again malaysian timing we started the meeting at 2.30pm then straight till 4 something and 5 pm is sunday school meeting lolz .. i really admire justin cause in 4pm to 5 pm he some more got children church meeting !!! solute !! then our sunday school meeting started on 5 till 7:15 pm raining -.0" but suprisingly i saw dniz manage to rush back after her exam that ended at 4pm lolz .. with her funny hair clip upward haha .. and she asked me clip up nicer or don't clip nicer haha then i tell her sort of indirectly that normally looks nicer wah haha cause is looks funny really lolz.. but is cute la actually. she looks so tired lolz then wow guess what .. 5 star service came. first is Justin take a sarsi (left over from youth united meeting) to her and at the same time i go bancuh coffee for her then when i came in wow some more got one milo dont' know who bancuh for her but at the end of the meeting she like drank 5 cup of different beverages haha. wonder she will cirit birit or not but i pray not haha .. else she can't help me tomorrow in sunday school lolz joking ..
Should children blog? haha i thought of teaching my sunday school children blogging haha with the little knowledge that i know, hope my friend contribute you all opinion hehe ..
Posted by Allbelot at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Bullet train lifestyle...
It has been a real busy life for me from last week till now but forget the past and move on haha, today i went through whole kl LRT station and shopping complexes to looks for idea for coming LRT Race in 8th March 2008 those who keen kindly contact me hehe .. so i tour all around from the starting point which i not gonna tell you where is it at almost 1pm then station after station i survey and get idea, then go for some famous shopping complex and find activities and kena scold by one security guard . potong stim haha but life goes on without happiness .. after survey few complex then i take some LRT some monorail some putra then ..
go makan KFC super hungry haha thanks to Lai Tee KFC voucher that settle my lunch, else my wallet will be bleeding again ..
then Victor come finish work then we continue to browse through the whole kl haha .. but still manage to finish our target.
What come next is thursday morning 8am lecture till 10 then breakfast then continue do thesis with group mate till 2pm meet Econ leng jai lecturer Har wai mun . then go home sort the LRT question then at night find victor to work on the LRT question cause submission date is sunday haha
Then on friday i got tutorial and class till 4 then got another class from 6 to 7pm then practise sunday school worship with joyce the worship leader this month haha then go fetch fer from sg long to our church lolz then enjoy our college cell group hehe . and by the time send her back and reach home should be saturday morning d haha and
Saturday i will be incharge one ice breaker for the youth united party lolz .. then from 2 pm to 4 pm then at 5 pm got children ministry meeting i estimate is at least 3 hour till 8. pm
Sunday i will wake up at 7.30am and be in church at 8.30 am for sunday school prayer then play guitar for worship then TeacHING haha syoknya my class got 13 children .. so .. MERIAH!!! and thanks so much to Dniz and Yong Long they two are working very CLOSE TOGETHER helping up and take care all the children haha so the sunday school teaching must be prepare few days before hand haha .. else mampus ... then after sunday school teaching is 10.30am after the children makan breakfast provided by those cheerful aunty that always prepare nice breakfast for children and also teacher haha .. thanks so much but even so most of the time we got no time to makan then rush to service but this sunday is Cat and Dog theology and our church so kind decided to subsidy so much for us haha . from 11am till 5pm is the seminar then after that i think is LRT meeting if not mistaken , if no meeting and no rain then will be frisbee hehe by the time reach home sure dead tired but can't sleep yet, must continue to do Malaysian economics assignment and debates and also the thesis lolz .. cause all things has to be done before CNY else really mampus... But thank God after i pray and trust the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding then i find myself less burden already .. less tension already cause i think in God .. i can finish it proverbs 3:5-6 , phillipians 4:13 hehe hope i didn't miss out anything .. oh ya . i still need to photocopy those extra notes for my beloved Malaysian Economic class mate , being the class rep first time in my life haha really not easy lolz .. but i will try my best .. phew ....
oh ya on top of that erm . haven't continue follow up with leonard haha .. don'tknow when got time .. and i missed sister Chai Hong my mentor a lot .. .God Bless all of you ... !!!
Posted by Allbelot at 12:21 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Final sem presentation, last few times d ..
Excited and yet ... feel sad that toward the end of our study life. 3 years in UTAR with bunch of good friend and group member that always give me heart attack and also physical attack.. why know why, maybe their chinese mentality too strong believe that the more you scold and beat, it show the more you love and care that person, then i guess they really care and love me lolz .. but i still prefer they show it in a gentle way. lolz .. wow talk bout this presentation, i reach UTAR at 7.30 wow half hour earlier which is miracle i will reach so earlier to take the LCD .. laptop to make sure everything done right haha .. normallly i choi kui dou soh .. haha .. then we present .. and our lecturer comment is not bad so we happy also then we took this photo. Hon Fei, Wendy, Michelle, Jennifer and Me. Well is not easy for a group of girls to follow a male leader and believe me it is never easier for a guy to lead a girls group .. lolz .. Through curse and swears we still make it so far haha and those time are memorable.. priceless .. Thanks pal for tolerate with me ..
Posted by Allbelot at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Spiritual Journey
Monday, January 21, 2008
THANK YOU LORD finally my THESIS survey is DONE!
haha is sort or another mission Impossible for me .. After taken our long sweet time relaxing in holiday who other group already finished they survey before last december holiday haha
Then after sem start in January we failed to get to our supervisor ended up we are so behind the track. Then we started distribute the questionnaire straight after approval of our supervisor at 17th of January 2008.
And due to our survey is on Astro service in Cheras area so my UTAR business faculty which is located at sg long student can't fill in our survey !!! gantoi !!!! All thanks to my smart suggestion on doing in cheras area but really Thank God and all my church friend and group mate helps... on thursday night it self i ride my motor to sg long to collect the fresh print questionnaire, and send 30 copies to Christopher wow amazing this guy finish all in the next day in SMK Taman Connaught haha really appreciate.. then send 20 copies to Justin .. He manage to get 8 out of it which is very good cause in UCSI not much local people there lolz .. then saturday distribute to some church member and sunday also a bit here and there and today .. MONDAY 6pm 21th January 2008 all questionnaire are done and keyed in and the result shows that OUR SURVEY IS SIGNIFICANT - means VALID .. haha ..
Thank God make us able to finish this tough survey in 4 days. If anyone notice i'm very tired and stress last few days is most probably because of this survey. But still got 2 more chapter to finish my thesis in one month times. Thanks you guys... i'm so blessed
Here i want to give thanks to various people:
1) God hehe .. who answered my prayer
2) Supervisor
3) My group member Michelle, Jennifer and Wendy (all are available)
4) Christopher, Justin (Not avaibable), John Kuek (Available), Ann (available) and
Especially Tirza and Esther fill in the survey even in other part of the world for me hehe
(Tirza and Esther are not available in Malaysia)
Posted by Allbelot at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Baby Gianna Dedication lolz ...
Wow today is Pastor Noah and Florence baby, Baby Gianna Dedication Day!!
Look at her lolz so malu close her eyes with her two smally little palm Before the baby dedication begin is actually ice breaker
This picture is taken while Pastor Victor and Pastor Kelly
Both spiritual father and mother of pastor Noah and Florence
Dedicate Gianna to the Lord .. See on the most right the camera
man eddison so passionate to take Gianna photo After the prayer the lights on, and baby Gianna i guess not used to
The bright light wanted to cover her eyes lolz so so cute ... But few second later she continue to sleep haha .. welcome
to our big family Gianna ..
Posted by Allbelot at 11:53 PM 0 comments
My Second Sunday School Class of The Year
Wow Is Sunday Again!!! Lolz I love Sunday because I can go to church and worship God and meet my fellows friends and especially my Sunday school children lolz
today we having our fun time teaching them Jeremiah 18:1-12 Jeremiah goes to the pottery's shop. Of course while I deliver the story I asked them to make a thick and wide pot then ask them change to tall and thin which is like the photo above.. they make a wonder pot especially Ying Ying with flower some more, so wonderful .. wow and here I want to really say thank you to Deniece (black colour shirt in the middle) and Yong Long who always be in the class to take care the children. Lolz See what's Joshua (yellow shirt boy) is doing haha … by the way I didn't ask them to eat it ..
Posted by Allbelot at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Spiritual Journey
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Let's pray for our friends..
Recently many friend of mine involve in accident and sickness broken my heart, let us pray for our friends declare the verses below and trust Jesus for healing. Especially John kuek and Deniece.. May our good God blessing shower you all all the time ..
Jeremiah 17:14-18 (New King James Version)
Jeremiah Prays for Deliverance
14 Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed;Save me, and I shall be saved,
For You are my praise.
15 Indeed they say to me,
“ Where is the word of the LORD?
Let it come now!”
16 As for me, I have not hurried away from being a shepherd who follows You,
Nor have I desired the woeful day;
You know what came out of my lips;
It was right there before You.
17 Do not be a terror to me;
You are my hope in the day of doom.
18 Let them be ashamed who persecute me,
But do not let me be put to shame;
Let them be dismayed,
But do not let me be dismayed.
Bring on them the day of doom,
And destroy them with double destruction!
Posted by Allbelot at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Spiritual Journey
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
CNY coming, Any one want to buy My Mom Delicious Home made CNY Biscuit ?
Year after year without fail, my mom been baking biscuit to earn more for CNY lolz. Helping my mom bake biscuit is given me opportunity to get closer with my mom. Hopefully she will keep baking every year and i can enjoy all the nice biscuit that she bake, and of course ultimately want to "inherit" all her baking skills wahaha ... .
The Biscuit of the left is seaweed Rm 16
The Biscuit on second left is Crispy Roll my mom new creation Rm16
The Third one on the left is my favorite "Nga Ku" Rm13
The one of the most right is Peanuts RM 19
My handphone .... Priceless, for everything else, there is Master card
My fellows friends who keen to order look for me at msn la
Posted by Allbelot at 6:26 PM 6 comments
Labels: Biscuit homemade
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Year Tour at Bukit Cahaya, Taman Pertanian
Yo... happy new year everybody.
This year i have a wondering starting of new year. Together with bunch of rascal which is my close friend we went to Bukit Cahaya or Taman Pertanian or what ever you want to called it at Shah Alam.
We arrive at the entrance in the early in the morning around 7.30am and found out the taman Pertanian only open at 8.30Am Sweat!!And there i found a funny tree ....And due to wake up too early in the morning, Lai Tee can't stand and fall sleep unconsciously while some cruel people bullying ann i mean the ant "snowy"
And finally 8.30 am has arrived, so we all rush to the bicycle shop to rent bicycle. And surprisingly is Dniz first time ride bicycle and what worry me the most is her coach .. is .... something from the outer space... JOYEAH!!! But surprisingly don't know is the coach pandai ajar or Dniz is smart, Dniz able to cycle in less than half hour though she fall down here and there 3 times. But our lovely brother Eddison keep guiding her and following her and back her up haha.
After we cycle for sometime, finally we sit down and rest at a giant tree!! And this is the view from bottom up
Not long after that we reach cactus farm.... wow is such a beautiful scene. I love this cactus farm... lots type of cactus are there and its look like
at the dinosaur edge
This cactus looks like kena thunder storm so weird, every
cactus was growing up and his growing to the right ... lolz ..
what a rebellious cactus. Well i don't know why i took this photo, just feel something
special bout it, maybe the shape looks like the dinosaur egg
and the cactus like snake haha ... And this is the Lai tee with the fake rocks i think is fake ...
Looks similar to the Melaka one haha
After that due to our beloved sister fall down again and this time
quite serious so we decided to take bus and walk instead of cycling.
So we reach the four season house and praise God is winter lolz .. on the left is Dniz the talented cyclist that able to cycle in half hour of training
In the middle is the Mighty cycling Coach JOYEAH
on the right is Lai Tee the Marathon runner!! As you can see, is real ice back there and really freezing no jokes!!All the ladies
get very excited when they saw the "snow" Yes... is fake penguins
Wow .. what a God's wonderful creation which been claim by someone who called a no bad picture from a spoiled camera.... Of course here i still want to thanks to our brilliant road guide who brought us into this "promise land" "accidentally". Good cycling coach is not necessary a good guide lolz ..
Wow .. finally we went out of the wilderness and been guided to another .. dead end?lolz
is a jambatan gantung that i used walk through during primary school. But don't know whether is people standing there too heavy or what .. break the bridge .. . so potong stim ..And then four of us went to this so called small zoo. This animal looks like peacock but is not peacock, looks like but bird but not really bird and it is huge!! Initially no matter what action we make the "bird" also not response and not open its wings. Then the Joyeah wide spread her arms ... like bird then this bird follow her action haha and i snap this picture on the spot lolz. Joyeah really are influencer among the zoo cause not long after that same thing happen while she talk to the parrot, the parrot only response to her and follow what she said lolz ... female tarzan? Or jane that live with tarzan opps ..
This is fun, first time riding horse, and is super shaky and unstable haha
wonder how those traditional movie people can ride so well .
See what's this, the porcupines and what it eating ? IS OREO!!!!!!! Some one feeded it with OREO biscuit !!! I hope those porcupine are still alive so far...Take a closer look to its "hands" it is holding and eating the OREO biscuit offered by JOYEAH!!!
Posted by Allbelot at 10:16 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The sweet memory of Youth Aflame
1st January 2007 after count down in watch night service
LIFE CAMP 28th to 30th December 2006Life camp, one of the most enrichment camp of Youth Aflame. With total 63 youth aflame youth participating in this fun and enrichment camp... held in Sepang.
Photo on the left is taken in the first day evening free time after few of us teach mei mei how to ride bicycle. Where mei mei said she can carry Melia lolz. But ... Eric Low, recent report of CBS news walking on water in
Life camp ....
We showing our last respect to our Mayer Esther low who
went back to the Lord after very short period of serving as
As mayor.
Posted by Allbelot at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Spiritual Journey